Thursday, April 6, 2017

Easter Bunny Paper Plate Basket

A few simple household items will be transformed into a fun and useful Easter basket to store your Easter eggs.

Easter Bunny Paper Plate Basket

3 paper plates
Pink construction paper
Green ribbon or yarn
1 pink pom pom
6 white pom poms
2 googly eyes or scraps of black Construction paper
Hole punch
Black marker or crayon
Glue gun and/or craft glue (stapler would even work)

For the back of the basket:
Cut a scalloped piece from the top of the plate. This will be your basket opening. Glue or staple this cut paper plate to another whole paper plate to form the basket and head of the rabbit.
To create the ears:
Cut a paper plate in half. Then cut each half down even more to the shape of bunny ears.
Cut two tapered strips of pink construction paper and glue onto each ear. Glue the bottom of each ear to the bunny’s head.
For the bunny face:
Cut two small eyes from pin construction paper and glue into place.  Add googly eyes or round pieces of black construction paper, to complete the eyes. Glue a pink pom pom to the centre of the plate for the nose, and add 3 white pom poms to each side. Use a black marker or crayon to draw on 2 bunny teeth. Use a hole punch to punch a hole on either side of the basket. Tie on a piece of ribbon or yarn for the handle.The basket can be filled with Easter grass and small candies or toys.

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