Thursday, June 4, 2015

Micheal Landon Biography

JI love to read and biographies are one of my favorite things to read. Maybe it is because like many others I have that curious nature that makes me want to know if the person that I saw for instance on TV was anything at all like that in their personal life.  Or maybe it is because I am just plain nosy. I guess will have to declare it is probably more the later of the two.

I recently read one of many biographies on Mr. Charles Ingles or Micheal Landon or should I say Eugene Maurice Orowitz.  This particular biography was not completely favorable of the man but it did share an abundance of his life's works and personal struggles. It covers a great amount of his 54 life span but was published 4 years prior to his untimely death in 1991.
All in all if you are interested in learning about Mr. (Orowitz) Landon than it is a pretty good read.

You can find it a the local library or you can purchase it here: Micheal Landon Biography 

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