I love this game! I have refound it after all these years and I am loving me some Yahtzee!
I don't know if it is the game as much as it is the memories that I get while playing it! My grandma Mildred Knight, my dad's mom, loved her some Yahtzee as well. And, from the time that I could sit at the table and roll the dice I was her little Yahtzee playing buddy!
Grandma also had a life long friend named Gladys Ripley whom us kids affectionately called Aunt Gladys (I am sure you all have a few family friends who are Aunt this or Uncle that) and when her and her husband, Uncle Lloyd, were there for a visit...we had Yahtzee Tournaments while the men fished!
I am not talking a game or two...I am talking all day and night...just breaking for cooking, eating meals, dishes and the occasional snacks! Other than that it was play, baby, play! And, now that I think back on it Yahtzee was more than a game...it was actually a learning experience because Grandma told me when I was about 4 that I had to learn to count for myself if I wanted to continue to play! Which I learned and quite quickly. Thanks for the push Grandma. I think I'll go a play a game now.
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